If you don’t have an in-person writing group, your dreams
will apparently supply one.
I was working for a firm that turned out to be an academic
version of Sterling Cooper Draper Price/Cutler Gleason and Chaough from Mad Men.
Someone stopped by my office to tell me that the
read-through was today. "Read-through?" Yes, employees who requested
it, and apparently I had, could get the firm together to discuss what they were
working on. The meetings were only an hour, but they'd all give feedback.
We all gathered in a room--fittingly, Bert Cooper's
office*--and sat in a circle, some on the floor and some in chairs, crowded
together. An anonymous junior copywriter began to read it, with feeling and
slowly. Mercifully, Roger Sterling
wasn't there, but Peggy and Ted Chaough were giving it their most earnest
attention. Don was, as usual, AWOL.
As he read, people began to wonder aloud "why are you
talking about this now? Where is this leading?" I lunged over to Cooper's
overflowing desk, grabbed a steno pad and a ballpoint pen that was running out
of ink, and started taking notes on their reactions.
"This reads pretty well, but I still don't know why
you're telling us this."
Then another reader took over and said "This has some
rough language." They all
nodded, and she began to read and even to sing parts of it. She read the parts
where it said "insert reference here" and "talk about that other
instance of the same idea." Loudly. With feeling.
I tried to say things like "I didn't know you'd read
this particular draft" and "It's not quite ready," but no one
paid any attention.
The hour drew to a close, and I had not yet sunk through the
floor. I had pages of scratchy handwritten notes and reactions written down in
the steno pad.
Gene Siskel, who apparently worked at SCDP/CGC, stood up.
"I have to go. I think this has promise, but you should get to the point sooner. Right now
I'd give it a thumbs-sideways."
Peggy smiled, and Ted Chaough said, "Don't worry. At my
first meeting, I thought I would have to quit and become a professional
babysitter. It's pretty good."
Bert Cooper said, "That's all right, dear."
Meeting adjourned.
*For those who don't watch: Bert Cooper has no office.
*For those who don't watch: Bert Cooper has no office.
Love. This.
hilarious and awesome.
Flavia, academiccautionarytale--Thank you! It really did happen this way in my dream, so I guess I'd better do what the writing group says.
Hilarious! I want dreams as entertaining as this!
Dr. Virago, I wish they all were this entertaining!
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