So it's time to buckle down here at Chez Undine, too. The MPF-Famous Author article has been sent, and I need to tear myself away from the curio cabinet of fascinating distractions (the Whatnot of Wasted Time) from which I procured that and get going on Major Project.
- The first step is saying no (as Historiann pointed out) to service requests. Others in my position are not showing up on campus, and they're not making excuses for it, either.
- Saying no includes some other service scholarship requests, including requests for book reviews and maybe some manuscript reviews. I have two new mantras for this: "I can buy the book. I can't buy the time that I spend reviewing it" is one. The second is "Would you rather be reviewing this manuscript for the press or getting your own sent out?"
- The second step is to stop clearing the decks literally (cleaning my desk) and to start doing this metaphorically, by getting to work on the project. When I clean, I break down the task into smaller pieces so that it seems manageable and I'm not overwhelmed. I need to do the same for the project.
- The third step is to stop thinking that this is an endless summer just because I'm not showing up at class with a syllabus in my hand on Monday at 8 a.m.
I really wish I listened when people go on and on about #1. Some things seemed like a good idea at the time...
Exactly. It sounds good, and before you know it you're up to your neck in committee work and reports.
Alright! Good luck in the new semester!
Thanks, bittersweet girl! Let's see if I actually do what I set out to do.
Many congrats on having completed and sent the article! Woohoo!
Thanks, Ink! I feel as though I didn't do enough, but you reminded me that at least one thing got done.
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