Monday, December 31, 2012

Checking in as 2012 checks out

I'm checking in to read everyone's great New Year's posts (too many to link fully; see the sidebar).  Some are looking at the year in media and culture (TR, Madwoman with a Laptop, Culture Industry), while others are doing more of a roundup of their year (What Now, Bardiac, Dr. Crazy--and Z and Dr. Koshary say it with music).

Despite the holidays, it's been quiet here now, and peaceful, in part because of getting away from Facebook and Twitter. As good as Twitter may be for some things (read this! follow this link! participate in this conversation! pay attention!), you could spend your life on it and never catch your breath or regain your focus. Like the rest of the Internet, it commands your attention until you think it's your oxygen.

The whole frenzy will all start up again in a couple days with MLA, and then with classes right after that. But right now, sitting here and looking out at the snow with a glass of red wine and a sleeping cat beside me, the quiet sounds pretty good right now.


  1. Best part of the holidays is the quiet. I love the quiet that comes with snow. We don't have any snow yet. But maybe in Jan or Feb. Happy New Year!

  2. I am thinking a lot about leaving Twitter. I've been ignoring it for awhile and can feel my blood pressure rise if I look at my timeline. The quiet without it has been so nice. I may need to make some radical changes re who I'm following...?

  3. I can't face Twitter, it is too jumpy.

    But, you must see this on MOOCs:
