Saturday, April 10, 2010

The iPad: techno-envy

If I had a dollar for every review and blogpost I've read about the iPad over the past two weeks, I would have enough to buy--well, not an iPad, but maybe a cover for it.

I know all the drawbacks: why buy this when you have a netbook? It doesn't do anything a laptop can't do. It's a content-consumption device, not a content-creation device. It's expensive (although I have a rebate from something else that I could put toward buying it.) On and on.

I don't care. I at least want to get my hands on one to see if there is a Mystical Connection between woman and machine.

It isn't rational, this feeling. I just am drawn to the idea of it, the way that (stereotype alert) many men are drawn to cars and apparently, as Dr. Isis has taught me, most women care about shoes. (I don't.)

I waited two years for my Kindle envy to go away, and finally it did, but what's the use if iPad envy took its place?

Maybe I need to wait until this wave of techno-envy goes away.


  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I've heard one should wait for version 2, then buy. I don't like Macs, even, but I am drawn to it, too. Apparently HP has their own version of it -- one of my former students gushed about it on Facebook saying "eat this, Apple lovers!" ;-)

  2. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I've heard one should wait for version 2, then buy. I don't like Macs, even, but I am drawn to it, too. Apparently HP has their own version of it -- one of my former students gushed about it on Facebook saying "eat this, Apple lovers!" ;-)

  3. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I find it much easier to maintain a disinterested distance (unlike the wild-eyed nature of my Kindle lust) because the name is so egregiously awful and clearly indicative of a male-centric development, testing, branding, and market research process.

  4. Are they hanging about in stores long enough now that you could go try one out for a few minutes?

    I don't get the ipad thing OR the shoe thing. I get books, though.

  5. profacero, I'm eager to see the HP version. The HP machines I've had have worked great until they die a glorious death 1 week after the warranty expires, but it would certainly be lower in price & thus a better way to test whether the device would work at all.

  6. naptimewriting, I agree about the name (what was Mr. Jobs thinking?), but see, that's a logical response, and I apparently am lacking logic about this.

  7. Bardiac, my iPad lust is as nothing to my booklust, but it's still there. That's a good idea about testing one out. My desire for a Kindle kind of extinguished itself once I actually handled one and didn't feel the Mystic Connection.

  8. Holla! I'm with you. I'm inflamed with iPad lust. Cannot wait for the 2nd generation to come out. I agree that it is mostly silly, mostly not useful for any of the things I use the computer for ... and I don't care!

  9. BSG--that's it exactly! This has nothing to do with the rational side of the brain.
