Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I am the captain--no, make that the James T. Kirk-- of my fate

As I sat at my desk today, not wanting to go out (if you saw the weather here, you wouldn't, either), I looked around the study.

Extreme left on the bookshelf: books for teaching.
Near left: books for project I've been working on.
Nearer left: shame pile of a book for review.
Piled high on the left-hand side of the desk: books and journals I've just finished using.
Above the desk: books for another project for which I'm making some minor revisions.
Right side of the desk, both on the desk and on the floor: file folders in wire holders.
Two lamps, one on either side of the monitor.
Straight ahead: computer with writing and .pdf articles on it.

Then it hit me: this feels like the command deck of the Starship Undine, and it has a mission to get as much possible done before classes start. No wonder I'm treating incoming email as if it's the Tholian web.


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    OK, I will think of myself as a space captain and things will work better. We did actually envision ourselves as superheroes and so on in my very competitive undergrad and grad programs - and it did in fact help. I had forgotten all about that until I saw your post!

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Singer/songwriter Bob Schneider has a great song called "Captain Kirk." The first two lines are:

    "I wanna be like Captain Kirk / Get up every morning, love to go to work ..."

    And why not? If you were truly the captain of your own starship, wouldn't you love your job?

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    "If you were truly the captain of your own starship, wouldn't you love your job?"

    Well that hits it on the head.

  4. Profacero, I'm going to try the superhero thing.

    I hadn't heard that song, Bittersweet Girl, but yes, that'd be a job to love. I keep thinking some days even Kirk probably didn't want to open up the window or space port or whatever and meet the day, however.
