Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Civil disobedience or passive aggression? You decide.

Someone who sends out the announcements for a related department always does so by attaching an enormous color .pdf poster and sending it with the message. No subject line. No text. You
a. open the message every time, wait patiently for the .pdf to unfold itself, fight off the "Update me now!" messages that happen EVERY time you open Acrobat, and think "Isn't it nice to know about this event."
b. delete the messages without reading them.


  1. Used to be a. for me, now it's b. I hate the attachment-without-subject-or-text crap. If you can't tell me what's in the attachment, I'm not going to open it.

  2. Not even a subject? Wow. Really bad netiquette.

  3. My feeling exactly, kate. Why can't the basic idea be in the message, with the poster for those who like shiny things? Not only is there never a subject line, wil, but sometimes these non-messages get sent out by the assistant (whose name I didn't initially recognize). Haven't they heard about spam?

  4. Anonymous9:49 PM

    They do not understand technology. They are so excited to have made this poster and .pdf'd it - they do not get a lot of e-mail themselves - they think what they are doing is advanced, when actually it is regressive.

  5. If I were feeling pro-active (which in these cases is rarely), I'd reply to the person and tell them that I avoid opening messages that have attachments with no subject or text because I'm afraid of viruses packaged this way, and that I (and many others) simply delete these emails. That actually worked once in a somewhat similar situation.

  6. I might try that if I get another one, Horace.
