Saturday, August 18, 2007

Random bullets of Friday (by the numbers)

  • Number of syllabi completed and dropped off for copying: 1.
  • Number of syllabi left to do: 1.
  • Number of people who attended the long department meeting on Friday: almost everyone.
  • Number who sat and typed on a laptop most of the way through it, working on e-mail except when he/she was talking: 1. (My charitable self says that maybe s/he was sending notes to him/herself--hence the e-mail screen.)
  • Number of "team-building exercises" inflicted on us: mercifully, 0.
  • Amount of Haagen-Dazs Belgian Chocolate ice cream I bought specially on Thursday night and promised myself as a reward if I got through the whole thing: 1/4 cup, the perfect amount.

    1. We had no team building exercises thank God. And many missed the meeting. And I wished I had brought my laptop - it might have distracted me from speaking up. And I didn't go to the potluck because the parlor game involved bringing your used stuff to donate to the graduate students and I couldn't face that particular benefactor role.

    2. Belgian Chocolate, yes. I approve this choice.

    3. Professor Z, even grad students wouldn't want my used stuff, but there is something a little strange in the whole concept. I like the "free stuff" shelves and will leave things there, but to have people ther and have to thank you to your face? That's uncomfortable.

      The Belgian Chocolate didn't last long, sisyphus, but was it ever good while it lasted!
